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Success Story – Effect Photonics raised $124.1M for Coherent Optics

Detected in 2014 by Blumorpho, Effect Photonics raised $124.1M since then.

Our comment :

With its single-chip coherent optics, Effect Photonics has become a highly vertically integrated, independent leader in integrated photonics semiconductor addressing the need for high-performance, affordable solutions driven by the ever-increasing demand for bandwidth and faster data transfer.
Joana Foglia, Investors relation

Success Story – Effect Photonics raised $124.1M for Coherent Optics

Detected in 2014 by Blumorpho, Effect Photonics raised $124.1M since then.

BLUMORPHO comment :

With its single-chip coherent optics, Effect Photonics has become a highly vertically integrated, independent leader in integrated photonics semiconductor addressing the need for high-performance, affordable solutions driven by the ever-increasing demand for bandwidth and faster data transfer.
Joana Foglia, Investors relation

Success Story – Effect Photonics raised $124.1M for Coherent Optics

Detected in 2014 by Blumorpho, Effect Photonics raised $124.1M since then.

BLUMORPHO comment :

With its single-chip coherent optics, Effect Photonics has become a highly vertically integrated, independent leader in integrated photonics semiconductor addressing the need for high-performance, affordable solutions driven by the ever-increasing demand for bandwidth and faster data transfer.
Joana Foglia, Investors relation

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